
Monday, July 15, 2013

Lazy Canning: POM Wonderful Jelly

My husband has been nagging me to make Pomegranate jelly for a while, pretty much since I first attempted canning last summer. Today, after a ten hour evening shift at work, I thought it was as good a time as any to make it. I know, genious idea.

Thankfully, it was the fastest, easiest batch of jelly to date.

POM Wonderful Jelly

32 Oz POM Wonderful juice
5 cups white sugar
4 Tbs lemon juice
3 Oz pectin ( any brand, powder)

Heat two pots boiling water. Sterilize jars (made 4 half pints)

Pour POM juice in pot, heat to boiling. Add pectin, hard boil for one minute. Add all sugar, bring back to boil.

Test for gel. My favorite method is to freeze spoons, then ladle a small bit of liquid jam onto the spoon. Swirl it around then run your finger through. If the jam/jelly runs back together immediately, continue to boil. If jam parts like Moses and the Red Sea, you're golden.

Remove jelly from heat, let sit five minutes. (This allows any foam to disperse)

Fill heated sterilized jars, wipe rims, add lids, finger tighten.
Water bath filled jars for 15 minutes.


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